2025 Council Members: 2025 Board Members:

President: Min Yao 姚敏 2025 President Chairman:Dongmei Hu 胡冬梅
Vice President: Rong Zheng 鄭榮 Vice Chairman:YueFeng Xie 解跃峰
Treasurer: Siyu Liu 刘思羽 Trustee:Min Yao 姚敏
Editor: Connie Peng 彭雯 Trustee:George Chou 周治善
Event Coordinator: Lizhu Zhong 鍾麗珠 Trustee:Rong Zheng 鄭榮
Event Coordinator:Jackie Liu 劉瓊 Trustee: Jianyang Shi 史建阳
Event Coordinator: Peter Yang 楊魯航 Trustee: Ji Shia-Han 稽士漢
Event Coordinator:WeiXin Han 韩卫星  
Event Coordinator:Qiong Zhou 周瓊  


Special Assignments:
Web Design:Jianyang Shi
New Year Program : Yijin Wert
Sound System Control: Jianyang Shi
Photography: Wen Peng
Archive: Chong-Jen Lin
Member Care: Lan Luo
Print Administration:Tracy Chou

Central Pennsylvania Chinese Association
(Amended on February 2, 2013)

Established in 1969, the CPCA is a non-profit organization whose goal is to promote mutual friendship, public welfare, and community identity in the south central Pennsylvania/Greater Harrisburg region through cultural and social activities.
1. Central Pennsylvania Chinese Association (CPCA hereafter) is an independent, non-profit civic organization registered with the State of Pennsylvania and based in the City of Harrisburg.
2. Its mission is to sponsor and organize cultural events, programs, and activities to benefit members of the CPCA and to promote understanding, respect, and friendship between people of different cultural backgrounds.
3. All individuals are eligible to be a member of the CPCA, as long as they recognize and follow its by-laws, pay the annual membership dues, and agree not to use the name of the CPCA or its membership to engage in any activity which is not confirm to and consistent with its stated mission.
4. Individuals and families outside of the CPCA who have made extraordinary contributions to the CPCA in its promotion of the stated mission shall be recognized duly by being awarded its honorary membership.
5. CPCA members, as individuals or as families, pay an annual membership due. Membership fees are due at the beginning of the Chinese New Year. The annual membership cards will be issued around the Chinese New Year’s Day. New members who join the CPCA after the Dragon Boat Festival Event pay half dues.
Board of Trustees:
6. As the legislative and overseeing body in the governance of the CPCA, the Board of Trustees is vested with the power to make decisions on policies and issues which, in its best judgment, would directly and/or potentially impact the organization’s long-term development and its abilities to carry out its stated mission.
The Board of Trustees consists of seven members: chair, vice chair, president and vice-
president of the Executive Council (ex officio member; see below), and three other members.
7. The Board of Trustees is elected by the CPCA’s general assembly. Two trustees are elected each calendar year. Candidates are nominated by the current Board of Trustees or by any group of ten or more CPCA members. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes will serve as the new vice chair of the new Board of Trustees and he or she shall automatically succeed to the position of chair in the following calendar year.
Each trustee, with the exception of the president of the Executive Council (ex officio member), serves a two-year term. Trustees can serve consecutive terms.
The election is run by a committee, which consists of three CPCA members. Election committee members are appointed by the CPCA’s Executive Council.
8. The Board of Trustees is responsible to the general assembly of the CPCA.
9. The board of Trustees meets at least twice a year. The agenda for each meeting is determined by the chair in consultation with other trustees. The chair has the right to call a special session under certain circumstances.
Executive Council:
10. As the executive branch of the CPCA’s governance, the Executive Council is responsible for organizing cultural events, programs, and activities, e.g., celebration of traditional Chinese holidays, workshops, lectures, membership drives, and fund raisers, in accordance with the CPCA’s stated mission and by-laws. Unless otherwise decided by the president of the Executive Council or chair of the Board of Trustees, all participants for those events, programs, activities shall be on volunteer basis.
The Executive Council consists of the president, vice president, and a number of committee members based on the committee needs.
11. The Executive Council is elected by the general assembly of the CPCA each calendar year. Candidates are nominated by the current vice president, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, who shall automatically succeed to the presidency in the following year. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes becomes the vice president of the new Executive Council.
The election is run by a committee, which consists of three CPCA members (see above).
The Executive Council serves a one-year term. Council members can serve consecutive terms.
12. The Executive Council is responsible to the Board of Trustees.
13. The Executive Council meets at least twice a year. The agenda for each meeting is determined by the president in consultation with other council members. The president has the right to call a special session under certain circumstances.
14. As an independent, non-profit civic organization, the CPCA uses its resources, tangible or intangible, to sponsor and organize cultural events, programs and activities strictly in accordance with its stated mission. The main sources of its monies are membership dues, fund raisers and donations. The amount of membership due is determined by the Board of Trustees.
15. The CPCA maintains two bank accounts, a regular account and a foundation fund.
• The Regular Account records all financial transactions, e.g., incomes and expenditures, in relation to the CPCA’s day-to-day activities. It is maintained and managed by the president of the Executive Council and its financial officer.
• The Foundation Fund is maintained and managed by two members of the Board of Trustees, i.e., the chair and/or vice chair and/or another trustee. The purpose of the fund is to sustain and strengthen the CPCA’s vibrancy and its long-term development.
16. The Board of Trustees appoints a bookkeeper to maintain and keep track of CPCA’s tangible, non-monetary assets, e.g., computers, audio and visual equipments, cassette tapes, CDs, etc.
17. The Board of Trustees appoints an archivist to maintain and keep track of CPCA’s documents, e.g., newsletters, minutes, financial statements, inventories, programs, photo albums, etc.
18. Both the Board of Trustees and the Executive Council shall have completed the transfer of the aforementioned bank accounts, assets, and records, etc., in their respective change, to the new board and the new council by the end of the first full month their respective terms have expired.
19. Both the Board of Trustees and the Executive Council shall publish their respective financial statements, inventories, etc., in the first CPCA newsletter of the new calendar year.

20. The CPCA holds a general assembly at least once a year. The agenda is determined by the Board of Trustees in consultation with the Executive Council, including the annual elections of new members for the Board of Trustees and the Executive Council.
21. The revision of any article(s) in the CPCA’s by-laws shall have to sponsored by the Board of Trustees or twenty percent or more of its membership. Such revision and the new by-laws thereof will not take effect until it is endorsed by sixty percent or more of its membership.


22. No firearms shall be allowed on the premise of any CPCA event.


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